Today I had one of those organic days, the kind that just flows. It started at the Ventura Farmers' Market Downtown and before I knew it, I was learning and encountering and my life was filled with wonder. Here are a few of my discoveries.
Heirloom tomatoes in particular are at their peak -- it's been a damp, long, wet season getting here but we are now bursting with purple, green, yellow, orange and red wonders. Some of them look like they are from another planet, maybe they are the hidden alien life form!

This past Wednesday, I got to sample brown turkey, strawberry, white and black mission figs at the Midtown Farmers' Market at the mall but today a lovely gentleman turned me on to Adriatic figs. They were stiff competition for my current favorite, the strawberry figs and he's the only vendor I've found in the area.

As we're again in a shoulder season, the Asian stand at the market has long beans in both purple and green and pea shoots for a brief period. They also had okra finally & lovely bitter melons.

Tiny Thai eggplants made an appearance, they are delicious in curries. Here's a recipe that uses both long beans and Thai eggplant.

And angled luffa gourds showed up looking like pod people! If allowed to mature on the vine, they turn into the scratchy luffas you use in the tub but can be eaten when picked immature and green. You can stir fry it into sauces or soup, here for example is an angled luffa and clam soup recipe. Their juice is also reported to be a natural cure for jaundice!

Part of what I learned today is that prunes are not just dried plums, they are very specific type of plum that's a more oval shape. I bought two kinds to try, some are better for cooking, others for eating fresh. Though not fashionable, I love the taste of plums, can't wait to taste them!

Another coup is that Spring Hill from Petaluma is back at both Ventura Farmers' Markets! They have organic fresh cheeses and butter and lots of samples to taste. Their cheese curds are divine, they also have a spicy one called Firehouse that has a soft beginning note and a spicy finish and a garlic variety and an organic sage cheddar that I crave. I no longer have to have my sister go to the Ojai Farmers' Market to get my fresh cheese curds which I use in almost everything I cook. Whew.
As usual, Peacock Farms had amazing displays, especially with their round purple eggplants...

All varieties of potatoes were there:

Bi-colored sweet corn was also featured for a small window of time, perfect for grilling or roasting.

Asparagus spears were lined up like sentinels, guarding the artichokes...

And this has been the best season for white nectarines. Ever. You simply must sample them before they are gone!!

Tuberose is making its brief appearance. My honey bought me some and my whole house is perfumed with their heady aroma.
They are from the agave family and traditionaly used to make leis and for Indian wedding ceremonies -- I could imagine someone planning a wedding around their blooming season. An elder gentleman saw us carrying our bouquet, inquired where we found it and literally sprinted across the market to grab some. I wonder if they were for him or another?