There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling. ~Mirabel Osler
They're Here! They're Here!! Today my 25 free packets of organic seeds from Seeds of Change Arrived. Twelve days I wrote a blog entry about Seeds of Change giving away free organic seeds through their Sowing the Millions Project. It took 5 minutes for me enter my information and pay $4 for shipping and today they arrived, just like magic! As of today the program is closed because they gave away 1 MILLION seeds!! If anyone else reading this received free seeds, please email me what you got and let's keep up on what you do with them!
I plan on planting some and giving away others. I'd love to hear the list of what you got and see images of the seeds growing and being harvested.
My envelope included hermetically sealed (good for 2 years) certified organic packets of:
2 Zeolights Calendula (medicinal)
Bronze Arrow Lettuce (rare/heirloom)
Purira Chile (extreme heat, off the scoville scale)
Santiam Tomato
Moneymaker Tomato
False Blue Indigo (heirloom)
Bandit Leek
Black Krim Tomato
Carmona Red Lettuce (scrumptious big butterhead)
Misato Rose Radish (spicy late sudden radish)
Evening Stock (fill the evening air with heady, intoxicating fragrance)
Green Glaze Collards (heirloom) (known as Greasy Greens by southerners)
Brune D'Hiver Lettuce (heirloom) (cold hardy)
Integrata de Wild Lettuce (wild looking, cold weather)
Jericho Lettuce (bred in the hot desert of Israel -- bold resistant)
Sunrise Cosmos (can be used as companion to corn to deter earwigs)
Apricotia Poppy (Spanish orange, texture of crumpled velvet)
Galilee LIlac Double Larkspur (rare) (fully doubled flowers)
Pineapple Tomato (huge yellow beefsteak w red streaks, low acid)
Merlot Lettuce (dark maroon leaves, high antioxidant anthocyanins)
Cinnamon Mexican Spice Basil (finest tea basil and attracts pollinators)
Louisiana Green Velvet Okra (smooth, ribless pods)
Early Palla Rossa Radicchio (red chicory, distinctive flavor -- served raw or wilted)
Jerusalem Sunrise Lemon Sunflower (lemony yellow petals)