This recipe started with the Baby Bellas available in the store. I always keep turkey and tend to cook with it a couple of times a week. I prefer Shelton's over others for ground. It's organic and a good blend of light and dark meat. Not rubbery and tasteless like some ground turkey can be.
Last night a met a man named Danny at an Art Walk after-party. We talked about life, death, convictions, tatoos and of course food. What I really liked about Danny most were two things: he had dancing eyes that spoke with the convictions of someone who hasn't directly faced life's tragedies and two, his incredible love of stuffed mushrooms. "Stuffed with crabmeat, sausage, breadcrumbs," I asked? "Anything," was his answer. "As long as it's a mushroom and it's stuffed." This recipe is a bit of a deconstructed then reassembled stuffed mushroom wrapped in a french onion soup. It's hearty and delish.
1# Ground Turkey (Shelton's preferred but all work)
1 large onion chopped
A Package of Baby Bella Mushrooms (pieces of larger portabellos or another mushroom will do)
1/2 teaspoon Sea Salt
1/4 teaspoon Cracked Black Pepper
1/8 White Pepper
Sprinkling of Paprika
Dash of Cayenne Flakes
Olive Oil
1 teaspoon Truffle or Porcinni Mushroom Infused Olive Oil (optional)
3/4 cup Chardonnay Wine (another white wine can be substituted)
Wash the mushrooms, remove the stems and chop the tops. Chop all the other ingredients. Pour some olive oil into a large pan and sautee the onion and garlic until translucent. While the onion and garlic sautee, mix the spices and the truffle oil and 3/4 cup of the mushrooms into the turkey meat. Roll the meat mixture into small balls.
Once the onions are done, remove them from the pan and brown the meatballs on medium high. ** Hint: If you want you can add more olive oil here but it will make for a cloudier soup than if you just brown the meatballs carefully in their natural juices. Once they are browned, add back the onions and garlic, and add about 8 cups of filtered water. Cook for approximatley 40 minutes on medium. Salt and pepper the soup to taste and add the chardonnay 5 minutes before serving.