I've been searching for romanesco (Roman Cauliflower), an entire year, wanting to photograph and eat it! I heard last year it made a showing at the Oxnard Farmers' Market then :::poof:::: it was gone!
This year, while at The Local Cafe, I overheard farmer Elizabeth of Rio Gozo Farm say that they had romanesco! I begged, pleaded and threatened to pillage her field and she finally agreed to let me shoot a few. I found these fractaled, complex veggies so inspiring! Tonight I couldn't help but post the first photo -- a simple beauty shot.
All the organic produce I've seen from Rio Gozo is stunning and ultimately yes, tasty too. Their CSA folks are so very lucky!
Tonight the romanesco had to be eaten. I steamed it, added a bit of butter, lemon, salt and pepper to it and tossed them lightly and ohhhhhhhh they were delicious. Sadly though, it looks like I'll have to wait another entire year to take more photographs of them but I have several other types of images of them I"ll be adding.
Thanks Johnny and Elizabeth for letting me shoot your babies!