We got gorgeous brown eggs from the Ventura Farmers' Market this Saturday as we do most weekends. We were in a hurry between my photoshoots and Chris's music gigs so we divided our duties and Chris picked up eggs and blood oranges while I searched for boysenberries, apricots and spikey artichokes. Today, (Sunday), morning when I lifted the dozen I thought, "Wow, these are heavy!" then when I opened the carton I noticed they were unusually large and lovely. Chris does have a good eye for value...
When I went to crack the first egg, two yolks tumbled out. Remarkable, but I have had this happen once before in my life. Then, when I cracked the second and peered inside, there was a yolk in each half of the shell. Naturally, I stopped what I was doing and went to get my camera all the while tripping over the dog and having the yolks sliding around in the tiny bowl.
According to one article, finding a double-yolked egg is a less than .01% chance. However, this article also states that because these eggs are also larger, they are more likely to be grouped together. I have 10 eggs left from this dozen and am curious what will happen! but not ready to use them quite yet so not cracking.
Some sources say double-yolked eggs portend pregnancy or a marriage that will happen because of a pregnancy. Others believe it can mean the birth of twins or a windfall or death.
Have you found a double-yolked egg? I hope I get that windfall soon so I can take care of my twins and newly wed husband who needs counseling after being forced to the alter with a shotgun...