
Bowed But Not Broken © DK Crawford 2015, all rights reserved

My Garden
DK Crawford © 2015

My garden is wild, unkempt, and in-between -- just like me.

She is full-to-bursting, vibrant and vital.

She is tired, over-full and taxed. 
She is ALIVE!

She battles adversities while I dream and goes deep underground in indeterminable silences to work on herself. She faces drought, being forgotten, mildewy disease, and nasty predators that want to suck her vitality and steal her fruit.

Yet each day in spite of what tries to harm her, she risks anew... to grow, heal and repair. With steely determination, she sinks roots deeper and thrusts delicate shoots upward out of the soil in protest. 

My garden is not pristine, or measured in pounds of produce or predictable. But she is fierce every. single. day. When I cannot summon my own strength, I look to her for inspiration as she dares to reach up one more time. 

When she is tired and spent, eaten and and her petals droop with the last drops of hope for tomorrow, I marvel at her. My garden is brave and beautiful in every single phase. She is wild and relentless. My garden is me. 
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